We ask that all users are at least 18 years of age or the age of majority in your location. This is not necessarily an issue of mature content but is about having serious and legitimate conversation.

Do not use your account to harass, spam, stalk or otherwise harm your fellow users. Any individual found in violation will be banned.

We ask that while politics and similar sensitive topics are allowed as that we are advocating free speech, please try to keep these in relevant areas of the site i.e. Discussion Baords.

Conent that is not suitebale for childen should be limited to the Discussion board Mature Adults and cannot contain anything prographic or obscene.

By using Ripple, you agree to hold harmless it’s owners, operators, administrators and anyone working in a professional capacity for the site from any damages, monetary, physical, emotional, intellectual or of any type that may or may not result in use of our website or content posted to it.

Media Upload Guidelines

At this time we are a small site with limited resources. We ask that if you plan to include large files in your posts, please do so via links rather than direct upload. This is generally the case with videos, some audio files and some animation. Please use your judgement.

You can upload your media to for linking to any cloud storage website. We reccomend https://pixl.is/.

You can also feel free to embed photos and videos.

If we find people uploading larger files instead of linking or embedding them, those users will be informed and asked to make an adjustment to how they post items.